Four generations have passed, since the Bratović family moved to Kaštelir, Istria from Ćićarija.

We have been working in agriculture for four generations, producing olive oil, wine, fruit and vegetables. The last few years we have decided to specialize in olive oil production of the finest quality. We have removed old vineyards and orchards and axpanded our olive groves to the size they are today. We have combined our experience and tradition with the knowledge of a young mag. engineer of agronomy (our youngest generation) in order to produce an olive oil which will be different than any other.


Olivee oil feature no. 1

Extra virgin olive oil is an exceptionally healthy food (it is rich wirh clorophyll, lecithin, carotene, polyphenols and vitamins.

Olive oil feature no. 2

Extra virgin olive oil in easy to digest (Children can consume it from an early age)

Olive oil feature no. 3

Extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants which are known for blocking of free radicals (free radicals are the main causes of cancer and cause faster cell aging)

Olive oil feature no. 4

Extra virgin olive oil has a high content of mono unsaturated fatty acid (mono unsaturated fatty acid has beneficial affects on the heart and blood vessels).

Olive oil feature no. 5

The flavour of extra virgin olive oil enriches every dish (we recommend adding it to every finished dish).

Olive oil feature no. 6

Extra Istrian is produced with love (from our olive grove, straight to your plate)


Harvest 2014

  • 29/01/2015
We have been listening for a while now, how catastrophic year 2014 was for just about every type of crop, the olive tree is no exception. Pointing fingers at the poor year 2014 as if it is the only one to blame for all the bad things. I have decided to defend it, since i […]


  • 21/01/2015
This time i have decided to give some attention to trimming of the olive tree. I am on the road every day and i am watching people trim their olive trees or how they completely abandon the need to do it every year. I can say, that you can see just about everything. Some are […]

Our Web Page :)

  • 21/01/2015
Nakon dugo godina što proizvodimo ulje, odlučio sam da mu sašijem i prikladno odijelo. Budući da znam da se radi o kvalitetnom proizvodu htio sam nešto što će mu pristajati, a isto tako biti moderno i puno energije kao što sam i ja. Odabrao sam Studio Make da izradi etiketu za mojeg Extraistrian-a i nisam […]